There might be an Aardvark behind you, but I doubt it.

Sunday, October 24, 2010

Day 1

Blogging is cool I guess. I'm going to stat mine with a howdy. Howdy Howdy Howdy. Anybody seen 'Toy Story'? With the shark popping out of the box with Woody's hat on?

Quality. Animation. Right there.

I'm going to start by introducing myself. I might as well give myself a cool name on this. My real name is lame. I've actually gone through a couple in my head, thought up some pretty creative ones actually. Bandit. Failure. Glittz. Banan. Skyler. But I've come to a conclusion, base on the color of my eyes, the name of a character in a book that I'm attempting (attempting the key word) to write, and the overall feel of the word, I'll be sticking to the name Hazel.

So my doctor says I should have an outlet for my feelings or something. She said a diary, but being the rebel I am I'm gonna start a blog. What now Doctor Wilson?